SAM25 Free Health Clinic
The SAM25 Free Health Clinic provides free basic healthcare to those in our community who do not have health insurance and are living near the Federal Poverty Level. Help is also available to obtain affordable Healthcare Insurance.
Medical Clinic is open every Thursday
from 4 to 8 p.m.
Eye exams are available on the
3rd Monday of each month from 6 to 8 p.m.
At the SAM25 Free Health Clinic our team of volunteer and staff healthcare professionals provide primary care to persons of all age groups in the Shawano area who are uninsured and living near the poverty level. The clinic will have the potential to serve the approximately 9% of residents in the Shawano and surrounding area that are uninsured (approximately 1000 patients), according to the January 22, 2020 Shawano Menominee Healthy Communities Community Health Improvement Process (CHIP)
Our team of volunteers and staff at the SAM25 Free Health Clinic offer their time, care, and service because they believe everyone has a right to basic health care. Together we can eliminate the obstacles to attaining healthcare in our area.
Clinic Services
Services Available
Medical exams for acute & chronic illnesses for adults & children
Limited Diagnostic Labs
Follow-up Care, as needed
Referrals to Specialist, if needed and available
Health Education
Referral Services to Community Resources, when appropriate
Telehealth Services, as available
Tele-Behavioral Health Services, as available
Ultrasound, limited point-of-care, as available
Physical Therapy Services, as available
Use of in-house prescription drug formulary, when available and appropriate
Assistance with Prescription Assistance Programs for prescriptions ordered by clinic physicians, as available
Benefits Specialist Services, as available onsite or online

Services Not Available
Prescriptions, new or refill, for Controlled Substances
Prenatal and Obstetrical Services
Pregnancy and abortion counseling
Emergency care, such as heart attacks
Payment of prescriptions ordered by physicians outside of the SAM25 CHC
Insurance, Workmen's Compensation and Disability paperwork
Sports or Work Physicals

For Appointments or to Volunteer
Clinic Location: 105 E. Richmond Street, Shawano (Clinic door on East side of building)
Clinic Hours: Thursdays from 4 to 8 p.m.
For Appointments: Call 715-916-3036 or 715-853-7252 Ext 4
To Volunteer: Call the above number, or
Visit SAM25 website www.sam25.org and click on the Volunteer tab, or
Email freeclinic@sam25.org
Our Clinic

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