Shawano Area Matthew 25 ". . . whatever you do for the least of these . . ." Matthew 25:40
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SAM25 Board of Directors
Muffy Culhane, President
Harlan Pygman, Vice President
Danica J. Zawieja, Secretary
Joe Guenther, Director
Randy Mallmann, Director
Heather Pahl, Director
Jeri Wilber, Director
Jeanne Cronce, Director
Linda Beversdorf*, CPA, Treasurer
*not a voting board member
SAM25 Staff
Jennifer Laude Bisterfeldt, Executive Director
Elise Dudley, Morning Shelter Lead
Chris Ciucci, Morning Shelter Lead/Getting Ahead Facilitator
Rich Montour, Intake Shelter Lead
Sylvia Baird, Intake Shelter Lead
Lois Welch, Overnight Shelter Lead
Tara Pratt, Overnight Shelter Lead
Bill Grogan, Overnight Shelter Lead

Our Volunteers
SAM25 is blessed to have MANY wonderful volunteers who help make us work. Thank you!