Open every winter from Nov 1 through April 30, SAM's House Emergency Shelter is the only homeless shelter in Shawano County. SAM's House provides meals and a safe, warm place to sleep for women, men and families with children who are without shelter. All shelter guests participate in a mentor program "Steps to Success" to help them get back on their feet and successfully out of shelter to permanent housing and employment. We are currently in our 8th shelter season.
During the 2021 - 2022 season, SAM25 provided 1925 nights of stay to 64 guests (47 adults and 17 children) and 5700+ meals were provided by our community. Thank you to all who have helped in any way! You help make make the important work we do here in our community possible.
SAM25 Shelter Staff have been diligently working to continue our Steps to Success program and classes for shelter guests during the shelter season.
The SAM25 Resource Center is open year round Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Resource sessions provide assistance with housing and job searches, shower facilities, hygiene supplies, meals and clothing. SAM25 Resource Center partners with Shawano County DHS and Forward Service Corporation.
Stop in or call 715-851-7252 to make an appointment!
In 2022, we provided resources for 2200 people.

SAM25 Free Clinic is open every Thursday
from 4 to 8 p.m.
Eye exams are available the 3rd Monday of each month from 6 to 8 p.m.
The SAM25 Free Health Clinic provides free basic healthcare and health education to area residents who do not have health insurance and are struggling with poverty. Assistance with obtaining health insurance is also available. All care is confidential - no documentation required.
The SAM25 Free Health Clinic is staffed by area volunteer doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. For an appointment call 715-916-3036. Walk-ins are welcome.

Open to the Public
Hours: Thursday, Friday, & Saturday
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
(available to those in need of clothing during Resource Center hours Mon - Fri 9 am to 2 pm)

Who Are We?
Shawano Area Matthew 25, Inc. (SAM25) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
SAM25 Mission: We help those affected by poverty improve their circumstances to become self-sufficient.
SAM25 Vision: Our community works together to support the needs of those living in poverty and offers individualized opportunities to gain self-sufficiency to have hope for a better future.
105 E. Richmond Street, Shawano, WI 54166